
A blog by any other name ...
Dallas web design

The Importance of Visual Design

Good visual design can improve sales, increase signups and conversions, and encourage certain user behaviors. This entry lists five important rules for visual direction in interaction design.

The A-HA Moment

Getting users to visit your site to begin with requires strong design and good marketing. Getting them to return is a whole other process. This article explores the “A-HA” moment and how best to achieve it.

Good Web Design & Consumer Behavior

Good website design has a tremendous impact on consumer behavior. This entry examines a few of the most pivotal elements of influential website design.

Website Evolution

Website design has come a long way over the years. This site features a fascinating look at how some of your favorite sites have changed. Notice the overall trend from cluttered to more streamlined, clean design.

We Are Responsive

The Bottle Rocket team is often asked, “What is the best size for a website?”. This article address that question with a straight-forward answer: There is none. We design all of our websites to be responsive, meaning they adjust to the size of the device used for viewing it. This is the strongest approach, as more an more users view websites on mobile devices.